Natural Primer Paint for Walls & Wood
Natural Primer Paint for Walls & Wood
Primer paint is a fundamental (and important!) key step to achieving a smooth and durable surface to which all paint top coats will adhere to for maximum longevity. Spending a little extra time properly prepping the surface for paint (such as using a natural filler) will pay dividends in the future. Don’t skip! Do you know the difference between an under coat and a primer? If not, click below.
Want to know more: What is the difference between an undercoat and a primer?
Paint primer or a good mist coat is crucial for walls (interior or exterior) to ensure even coverage and true colour. We have interior primers as well as exterior, and also interior wood primers, exterior wood primers and plaster primers.

Paint for bare plaster
For porous surfaces, plaster primer paint or primer undercoat paint preps the surface by allowing the primer to soak into the plaster so that the top coat has something to adhere to.
Primer paint for wood prepares wooden surfaces for paint application, enhancing adhesion and preventing paint peeling amongst other benefits.
Read more: What is primer and why do I need it?
Read more: Do I even need primer on plaster?