Loxkin Natural Hemp Oils and Waxes for Wood
We are excited to now offer a new range of natural hemp oils for wood from the UK supplier Loxkin, who now manufacture hemp wood oil products from local sustainable sources. Their key products are the wood hemp oil, and the wood hemp beeswax wax.
Their naturally grown organic hemp seed oil naturally nourishes, protects and finishes wood without discolouring the wood itself. The natural hemp oil soaks into the wood grain and polymerises, providing a lovely appearance with a hard and durable finish. Loxkin mark their products as food safe, skin safe and toy safe.
The standard Loxkin hemp oil is especially suited to be used as a chopping block oil or kitchen chopping board oil.
The hemp used for these products is organically grown in the UK.
Hemp oil is suitable for all kinds of interior wood care and wooden furniture such as Ash, Oak and Elm.
Loxkin products are naturally made and VOC Free*. (This terminology is changing, the industry is moving away from ‘free’ to ‘trace’ VOCs)