Osmo WR Base Coat (4001)

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  • Approx. coverage: 5-6m²/L with one coat
  • No. of coats: 1
  • Application temperature: 5°C
  • Drying time: 12hrs.
  • Sizes: 0.125L, 0.750L, 2.5L


  • WR Base Coat is not a wood finish and is a base coat only. A finishing product from the Osmo range is required within three months.
  • If possible, although not essential; apply to all sides of the wood to give the strongest protection. Wipe excess from edges with a dry cloth before leaving to dry.
  • Some applications may raise the wood's grain, if neccessary de-nib to smoothen the surface.
  • Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
  • Note: 4005 WR Base Coat Aqua is discontinued from 2016 and is superceded with an improved oil-based version 4001 WR Base Coat.

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All about Osmo WR Base Coat (4001)

Ideal as extra protection for softwood species for the exterior. A clear wood impregnation which serves as a preventive protection against blue stain, rot and insect attack. Penetrates deeply into the wood – prevents swelling and shrinkage and is extremely water repellent with a very low odour during application and is completely odourless when dry.

Extremely water repellent

Resistant to blue stain, rot and insect attack

Reduces wood swelling and shrinkage

No future application necessary

Approx. coverage: 5-6m²/L with one coat

No. of coats: 1

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 1.2 % Propiconazole (12 g/kg) 0.05 % Permethrin (0.5 g/kg).

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