11 Simple yet Striking Wall Painting Ideas – Greenshop Paints

11 Simple yet Striking Wall Painting Ideas

Oct 25, 2022Richard Weager

Wall paint can be used in so many ways to add colour, flair and personality to your home. Even the most outdated room can be completely refreshed with a little imagination and creativity.

Create contrasting feature corners, experiment with ombré or design stylish geometric patterns with masking tape. There are endless options out there to suit any aesthetic, from traditional to contemporary.

Read on to discover 11 creative wall paint design ideas that will wow any guest. And don’t worry – these simple wall painting ideas are easy enough even for DIY beginners!

1. Try a Diagonal Two-Tone Wall

When it comes to painted feature wall ideas, two-tone walls are a beautifully simple way to draw the eye. Traditionally, you would split the wall horizontally with a dado rail. But for a more contemporary look, why not create a diagonal two-tone using complementary colours?

Use masking tape to divide the wall from the top to bottom corner. This will help you achieve a straight, even line. Once you’ve finished the first half of the wall, let the paint dry fully before moving on.

2. Make a Feature Corner

Like a feature wall, a feature corner draws the eye and adds a focal point to the room. But instead of painting a wall, you’re painting a section of two walls where they intersect. You could use a feature corner to:

  • Display wall art or shelving
  • Frame a piece of furniture
  • Highlight a certain area of the room (e.g. the reading nook)

If you want to create contrast, use a complementary hue for your colourful corner. Or, for a more subtle look, choose a shade in the same family as the rest of the wall.

3. Mix and Match Finishes

If you’re looking for unique ideas to paint a wall, a contrasting colour isn’t the only way to draw the eye. You can also play with textures by mixing and matching different emulsion finishes in the same shade. For example, paint three walls with a velvety matt emulsion, but choose a shiny high-gloss finish for the fourth.

You could even use silk emulsion to paint geometric shapes (such as triangles or squares) onto a flat matt wall. The semi-reflective silk paint will catch the light, subtly illuminating the design.

4. Play with Contrasting Trim

Painting the skirting boards, doorframes and moulding with a contrasting shade is a simple yet effective way to add a pop of colour to a room. For example, if you’re looking for kitchen wall paint ideas, you could use a sunflower-yellow trim to brighten up a plain white pantry.

This is a quick and easy way to freshen up the look of your home without having to re-paint the entire room. Just make sure to use paint designed for wooden surfaces, such as Earthborn Eggshell.

5. Use Colour as a Room Divider

One of our favourite open-plan living room wall paint ideas is to use colour to divide the space. Painting one half of the room a different shade can help break up the room, creating a distinct boundary between the two areas.

For example, you could paint the living area in a soft neutral shade and use a bright, contrasting colour for the kitchen. When it comes to choosing paint for walls, ideas like this also work well for shared children’s bedrooms.

6. Create a Custom Pattern

If you’re looking for unique feature wall paint ideas, why not create your own custom pattern? All you’ll need is masking tape, a ruler, and a steady hand. For example:

  • Bold zigzags
  • Diamonds
  • Duo-tone check (gingham)
  • Honeycomb-style hexagons
  • Horizontal or vertical stripes

Your pattern can be as simple or complicated as you choose. Arrange the masking tape carefully before painting and remove it while the paint is still wet. Otherwise, your wall paint may chip or flake (a classic painting mistake).

7. Design a Stylish Ombré Room

Ombré is a popular design trend that involves using multiple shades in the same colour family. This can add depth to a room, and lends itself well to nature-inspired themes (e.g. sunset or ocean).

Don’t worry if you’re not confident in your ability to neatly blend wall paint colours together. You can achieve an easy ombré effect simply by painting each wall in the room a slightly darker hue. For example, if you’re using Auro 555 Premium Emulsion you might choose Blue Lagoon 25, Pacific Ocean 20, Ocean Blue 15 and True Blue 05.

8. Design a Graffiti Wall

If you’re looking for artistic wall painting ideas for bedroom or home office, a floor-to-ceiling graffiti wall could be perfect.

First, paint the entire wall with two coats of a neutral shade such as white or black. If you’re covering a dark wall in a light colour, apply primer before painting.

Once the wall is dry, grab a brush and some colourful emulsion (the brighter, the better) and start adding your very own ‘street art’. This could include anything from cartoon doodles to inspirational quotes. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

9. Embrace Colour Drenching

Colour drenching means decorating an entire room in one single, striking shade. This dramatic look goes further than most ‘paint on walls’ ideas – you’ll be painting the ceiling, doors and trim to match. Usually, the floor is the only area that offers some contrast.

Think carefully about the atmosphere you want to create when choosing a colour. Wall painting ideas for living room spaces may call for a tranquil duck egg blue, lilac or teal. An invigorating yellow or orange would work well for a creative home studio.

10. Experiment with Colour Blocking

Colour blocking can be used to create striking visual effects with wall paint. It involves decorating the room with large, bold blocks of contrasting colour, usually in geometric shapes such as:

  • Overlapping rectangles
  • Circles, arches or semicircles
  • Triangles that extend from floor to ceiling (ideal for creating an abstract mountain scene)

If you’re brave enough to go freehand, select a high-quality paint brush with stiff bristles to create crisp edges. If not, you can use masking tape to section off each area of your design.

11. Pair Paint with Wallpaper

There’s nothing better than a bold, busy wallpaper for making a statement as an accent wall. You can then pair this with a coordinating wall paint to emphasise your chosen aesthetic throughout the room.

For example, to complement a leafy botanical wallpaper, you might select a soft green emulsion (such as Earthborn Lifestyle’s Cricket) for your painted walls. Ideas are practically endless, however – you could even go for a bold, contrasting colour such as orange or pink.

Discover Greenshop Paints Today

If your home is due a makeover, visit Greenshop Paints today. We stock one of the widest selections of natural paint products in the UK, from trusted industry-leading brands such as Earthborn, Auro, Treatex and Osmo.

At Greenshop Paints, you’ll find everything you need to make your project a success, from eco-friendly emulsions to high-quality brushes and rollers. Click here to browse our wall paint range, or request free swatches of some of our most popular paints and finishes. For inspiration, advice or product recommendations, feel free to contact us.

Explore our range of natural paints: Colour swatches showing the wide range of natural paint colours

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