Red Paint
Red Paint - Sustainable and Eco Friendly red paints for walls, ceilings and wood trim, part of our range of natural paint colours.
Red ochre, derived from iron oxide was the earliest form of this coloured pigment, and used throughout the ages in every era. The 15th - 17th centuries showed a popularity in formal rooms, especially red tones such as 'Pompeian red' inspired by the discovery of Roman frescoes. The Victorians used bolder reds, which became fashionable in dining rooms and libraries, and by the arts and crafts period the colours used became decidedly warmer and more earthly toned.
Fast forward to the 2000's onward, red was still used in 'high end' interiors, in more 'classical' dining rooms and formal spaces. It's rare to see solid bright red coloured walls these days, but there is still very much a place for red wall paint in certain rooms and spaces.